RLUK papers set out big deal expectations

Research Libraries UK (RLUK) has published two framework papers that outline the expectations of its members for future journal big deal negotiations. The documents form part of the mandate that RLUK members give to Jisc Collections to negotiate collectively on their behalf.

The first paper raises concerns about some publishers proposing 'inflation-busting price rises'. According to the organisation, 'we expect publishers to make efficiencies – as universities have – and for them to pass some of those efficiencies on to customers. As such, we expect to see cash price rises of no more than one per cent. Further, RLUK members will not accept increased prices based on addition journal titles unless there is an option to take a like-for-like package.'

The second paper tackles concerns about double dipping. 'As the UK continues to invest significantly in gold open access we are aware that our members are paying twice for content – once through article processing charges and once through subscriptions. RLUK members expect that publishers will prevent this occurring by offsetting APC payments by universities against subscription payments — otherwise an unsustainable burden will fall on research intensive institutions,' says the organisation.

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