Public Knowledge Project collaborates with CrossRef
CrossRef and the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) are collaborating to help publishers and journals using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform take better advantage of CrossRef services.
The latest release of OJS (version 2.4.5) includes a new CrossRef plugin with improved support for CrossRef deposits. A CrossRef deposit includes the bibliographic metadata about an article or other scholarly document, the current URL of the item, and the DOI.
OJS 2.4.5 also now allows for automatic deposits to the CrossRef service; manually uploading data via CrossRef's web interface is no longer necessary. In addition, users of the plugin will be able to deposit Open Researcher and Contributor Identifiers (ORCIDs), which OJS can now accept during the author registration and article submission processes.
This release allows OJS publishers to participate more easily in the LOCKSS archiving service of their choice (including the forthcoming PKP PLN Service). It also promises to serve as the foundation for further integration of other CrossRef features and services, such as the deposit of FundRef funding data, and the CrossMark publication record service.