Protecting museums from security threats

A source of information and advice relating to security issues has been launched by the Collections Trust as part of the Building Capacity for Museum Security project it is running for Arts Council England.

The project is aimed at providing resources and guidance that will help museums and galleries protect themselves against loss from their collections as a result of damage from security threats including theft, fire and flood.

It is the first stage of a major development of security-related resources on Collections Link, which will also include links to publications, audio files, case studies, specifications, security networks and individuals, and fact sheets.

The objective is to enable those responsible for museum security at all levels to build their knowledge about threats to their collections and be informed about available security solutions.

'Those using the service will be able to work with security experts to make choices in their forward planning from a position of knowledge about their own circumstances' says Nick Poole, chief executive of the Collections Trust. 'We are currently developing Security Audit Checklists to enable staff to benchmark their current security arrangements and plan for the future using a risk-managed approach.'

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