Project aims to ‘spruce up’ preservation
Leeds University Library in the UK has launched the Sustainable PReservation Using Community Engagement (SPRUCE) project. The aims of SPRUCE are ‘to inspire, guide, support and enable higher education, further education and cultural institutions to address digital preservation gaps, and to use the knowledge gathered from that activity to articulate a compelling business case for digital preservation.’
As part of this SPRUCE will host mashups to provide support and technical expertise to address specific digital preservation challenges. The best work from event attendees will secure funding awards to further develop the activity and embed it within business as usual processes at the home institution. The first SPRUCE mashup will be held in Glasgow in April 2012.
SPRUCE is a JISC-funded partnership between Leeds University Library, the British Library, the London School of Economics, the Digital Preservation Coalition, and the Open Planets Foundation.