ORCID will be integrated into Kudos
The ORCID researcher identifier will be integrated into the Kudos platform to help authors identify and claim publications. The partnership will also enable authors to register for an ORCID through the Kudos site.
Kudos provide a platform through which academics can ensure their work is visible, and for measuring the effect of different activities that support discovery. ORCID provides unique and persistent digital identifiers that help ensure authors are recognised for their work once it is discovered.
David Sommer, a director and co-founder of Kudos said: ‘As more and more emphasis is placed on the performance of individual research outputs, it’s critical that publications are assigned to the correct author, which ORCID enables, and that authors then have help in explaining and sharing those publications with wider audiences, which is where Kudos comes in.’
Laurel Haak, executive director of ORCID, added, ‘The integration of ORCID identifiers by Kudos shows how profile systems can interact with ORCID records to the benefit of authors. Why ask authors to type in their publication information when by associating their ORCID identifier this can be done automatically?’