OpenAthens renews three-year contract to deliver access management to NHS workers in England
OpenAthens has announced it has renewed its contract with NICE on behalf of the NHS in England, providing access to essential content for hundreds of thousands of front-line medical workers and researchers across the country.
The arrangement, spanning a further three years for the period May 2017 to April 2020, covers the provision of access management to a wide variety of online resources, research, and databases purchased nationally, regionally, and locally for the NHS in England through dedicated accounts that are available to all health and social care staff providing NHS-commissioned care.
Alexia Tonnel, director of evidence resources at NICE, said: ‘The NHS in England purchases a wide range of important medical, health and social care content to help staff in treating and managing patients, and in conducting research to improve the quality of care. NHS OpenAthens accounts have long been an effective way to provide access to these valuable resources. This contract means continued stability in workflows for staff providing NHS-commissioned care across the country.’
Mike Brooksbank, executive director of OpenAthens added: ‘Since 2001, NHS OpenAthens accounts have connected staff providing NHS-commissioned care in England with essential resources used to deliver world-leading healthcare and research, and we’re thrilled that this long-standing partnership will continue for the next three years.’