Japanese institutions join SCOAP3

The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, National Institute of Informatics and Coordinating Committee for Japanese University Libraries have jointly established a partnership with the SCOAP3 initiative.

Following the earlier support of the Japanese scientific community, KEK, NII and CCJUL have jointly pledged financial support for the Japanese share of the SCOAP3 budget envelope.

Th open-access high-energy physics (HEP) initiative now counts supporters in 28 countries in Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Partners worldwide have collectively pledged 80.5 per cent of the SCOAP3 budget envelope of 10 million Euros/year, fairly shared according to their contribution to HEP literature.

The partnership is now moving forward with the implementation of its open-access initiative, while further partnership are built in Asia, South America and the USA, says SCOAP3.

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