Digital Science launches Perspectives blog

Digital Science, a division of Macmillan Science & Education, has launched a publisher blog called Perspectives, aiming to offer fresh insights on scholarly communication focused on the publisher arena.

The blog will focus on publishing and scientific communication and is intended to bring together the voices of a diverse range of stakeholders including publishers, funders, academics and librarians. Issues covered will include innovation in scholarly communication, diversification of the scholarly record, and the evolving needs of the market.

Digital Science serves the needs of publishers by providing innovative technologies that deliver breakthrough metrics and usage data, while making content more valuable to researchers and academic end-users.

A collection of publishers such as PLOS, Wiley, F1000, Nature Publishing Group, SciELO, Taylor & Francis, eLife and publishing platform providers Highwire and Atypon currently deliver solutions from the Digital Science portfolio. This new blog hopes to talk about the issues these publishers, and others may face, offering solutions, thought-leadership and news content.

Phil Jones, head of publisher outreach for Digital Science, said: 'We already offer publishers technologies that deliver metrics and usage data, whilst making their content more valuable to researchers, academic end-users and society members. Now we also offer publishers, librarians, academics and funders a forum to discuss these technologies, raise issues, and understand each other’s perspectives a little better.

'We believe that through the new blog, we will be able to generate thought-provoking conversations that will help us to nurture the long-term relationships we have with the broad spectrum of stakeholders in scholarly communication.'

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