De Gruyter helps Gütersloher Verlagshaus with e-journals

The specialty publisher Gütersloher Verlagshaus has begun to work exclusively with De Gruyter for the distribution of its publications in the field of religious studies. De Gruyter will sell six prominent journals and yearbooks to libraries as well as to retailers and end customers over its integrated online platform.

'We were persuaded by De Gruyter's expertise in the area of electronic distribution,' explained Klaus Altepost, the publishing house manager of Gütersloher Verlagshaus. 'We see much more potential for global visibility among library customers for our journals, such as the Zeitschrift für evangelische Theologie (Journal for Evangelical Theology) and the Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte (Archive for the History of the Protestant Reformation).'

The journals have already been added to De Gruyter's 2014 price list. They can be obtained solely in electronic form or in an electronic and print package.

'For us, the partnership with Gütersloher Verlagshaus means additional high-quality religious studies content that will considerably elevate De Gruyter's importance among customers interested in this field,' added Katrin Siems, De Gruyter's vice president of sales & marketing. 'It also underscores our publishing house strategy of emphasising quality over quantity.'

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