
African information access boosted

01 February 2008

African research capacity is boosted through new high-speed network link.

OCUL expands resources with Springer eBooks

01 February 2008

Springer signs agreement with the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) to provide member libraries with Springer eBook Collection.

New virtual directory for NIH

01 February 2008

Collexis to develop virtual knowledge directory for NIH.

Task force takes on digital preservation

27 January 2008

Blue ribbon task force addresses the issue of economic sustainability for digital preservation and persistent access.

Google to launch online storage tool

27 January 2008

Google is set to offer an online storage facility to scientists via Palimpsest.

Wiley and Swets announce OnlineBooks partnership

25 January 2008

Wiley chooses Swets to act as a global sales partner for its range of OnlineBooks.

Emerald expands portfolio

25 January 2008

Emerald acquires Elsevier's social-science book series, serials and monographs.

Elsevier acquires Edra

24 January 2008

Elsevier has acquired an online publishing company in the healthcare field.

UK universities to launch alternative to Google

22 January 2008

A new internet search engine rivalling Google is to be launched at the end of January by Mimas.

SMU creates integrated Digital Library

20 January 2008

Singapore Management University (SMU) selects Innovative to create an integrated Digital Library for the University's Li Ka Shing Library.

Industry should publish more in journals

20 January 2008

Industry researchers should be encouraged to participate more as authors and reviewers of articles in open, peer-reviewed publications, according to a recent US report.

Research study shows 'Google Generation' is a myth

19 January 2008

The assumption that youngsters born or brought up in the internet age are the most web-literate has been overruled according to a recent report.
