BMJ Group now a NICE Framework Content Provider

BMJ Group has been selected as a preferred provider for the UK's recently established NICE Electronic & Print Content Framework Agreement.

This means that NHS organisations and partner organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can now purchase BMJ Group products, such as Best Practice, Clinical Evidence, and selected leading medical journals published by the Group (such as BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin, European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science & Practice) with confidence and without the need for full competitive tendering.

Organisations appointed to the NICE Framework guarantee to: offer published medical and healthcare-related content, products and services that meet specified technical and service standards; use pricing models appropriate for the NHS; adhere to the licence terms and conditions required by the NHS; and, most importantly, add value for NHS customers.

NHS purchasers can access and view details of the products and services, purchasing and pricing models available through the Framework, as well as purchasing guidance, from the NICE electronic and print content framework agreement signpost on the journals and databases page at NHS Evidence (

Best Practice is an online decision support tool that brings together the latest evidence, expert opinion, and guidelines on over 10,000 different diagnoses – enabling health professionals to make the best decisions for their patients. It now has more than 500,000 users in 30 countries and is also available as a mobile app.

Clinical Evidence is an internationally-renowned database of systematic reviews that sums up what's known – and not known – about more than 3,200 interventions. It is an essential resource for learning and practising evidence-based medicine by helping clinicians conduct literature searches and apply the results to patient care.

Angus Metcalfe, commercial director at BMJ Group, said: 'We are delighted to be a part of this agreement and see this as further validation of the Group’s growing reputation as a leading provider of trusted evidence-based support for healthcare professionals, researchers and patients. We look forward to working with NICE to provide knowledge and training aligned with clinicians’ needs.'

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