Australian National Data Service works with Thomson Reuters to improve research data discovery

The Australian National Data Service (ANDS) is connecting researchers to data repositories around the world through Thomson Reuters' Data Citation Index.

The collaboration promises to ensure that Australian research is discoverable, properly attributed and reusable by other researchers. The addition of data from Australia should also provide a wealth of new content that can be cited and furthered by researchers around the world.

'Research data is increasingly seen as a valuable output of research, but current publication and acknowledgement systems don’t cope well with this,' said Adrian Burton, director of services for ANDS. 'The Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index brings research data to the heart of global scholarly information systems, and as data citation use grows, the Data Citation Index is well placed to track its impact and further use. We are excited about the collaboration with Thomson Reuters and the transformative role services like this can play in the era of data citation and data intensive research.'

The Data Citation Index contains approximately 3.5 million data records from nearly 130 repositories. 

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