Aries Systems and PubRef reach agreement on manuscript submission
Aries Systems, a workflow solutions provider for scholarly publishers, has announced that PubRef will be participating in the EM Ingest initiative.
PubRef is an innovative online HTML5 versioning virtual file system with a fast and simple user-interface that provides a unified environment for authoring and collaborating on research articles.
The agreement between Aries Systems and PubRef will allow authors to directly submit manuscripts created and managed in PubRef's platform to the thousands of scholarly journals that use Editorial Manager for submission and peer review.
This partnership will simplify submission for authors writing manuscript text, gathering article metadata, managing citations, creating figures within PubRef, while helping Editorial Manager journals capture structured manuscript metadata and correctly compiled manuscript and data files at submission.
Using the workflow capabilities of Editorial Manager, journals can send the manuscript back to the author to verify submission data, and capture missing information, before proceeding with peer review.
Aries Systems' vice president of sales and marketing, Richard Wynne, said: 'With EM Ingest, journal submission becomes a one-click operation that bypasses the need to rekey information that's already contained in a PubRef manuscript.'