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The Metric Tide

SAGE Publishing has published an independent review, in print, on the role of metrics in research assessment: The Metric Tide

Sage Recommends

Sage and Expert System have released Sage Recommends, a discovery capability within the Sage Knowledge platform that provides users with links to related Sage…

Pathway Studio Web

Elsevier has launched the next version of Pathway Studio Web, which it says will enable researchers to more quickly understand the underlying biology of…

Ex Libris Alma/Primo

The National Library of New Zealand has adopted the Ex Libris Alma resource management solution and the Ex Libris Primo discovery and delivery solution,…

SAMS Sigma

Semantico, a supplier of digital publishing solutions to the scholarly and professional market, have announced a significant upgrade to SAMS, the leader in access…

The Sage Handbook of Research Management

Described as a vital tool for the newly promoted research leader, SAGE has released The Handbook of Research Management, a resource to guide researchers…

RightFind XML for Mining

Copyright Clearance Center has announced that Oxford University Press is participating in its RightFind XML for Mining solution


Elsevier has announced that the London university UCL has subscribed to PharmaPendium, part of Elsevier's R&D Solutions for Pharma and Life Sciences


Linguamatics is expanding its natural language processing-based text mining platform I2E to include easier access to full-text articles, with the integration of Copyright Clearance…

RightFind XML for Mining

Copyright Clearance Center has launched a text mining solution, RightFind XML for Mining


Knovel Quick Search

Elsevier has introduced Knovel Quick Search for Autodesk Revit. The Knovel application provides users of the Autodesk building information management system with seamless access…

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