SpotOn 2016

London, UK


SpotOn London is back and ready to push the boundaries of science communication and policy with a new one-day conference taking place at the Wellcome Collection on Saturday, 5 November 2016.  Hosted by BioMed Central, Digital Science and the Wellcome Trust, SpotOn London will be a dynamic, highly interactive meeting of researchers, science communicators, technologists, and those interested in science policy.

At this year’s session, we’ll be exploring the future of peer review. The theme is: What might peer review look like in 2030? 

It is often said that, much like Churchill’s famous quote on democracy, peer review is the worst system possible… “except all other forms that have been tried from time to time”.

Our aim will be to collaborate on practical, feasible solutions to improve peer review, but also to brainstorm radical ideas which might lead to more experimental innovation. We will also discuss how we promote and teach peer review.


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